The Law of Contract in Ghana Christine Dowuona-Hammond Pdf

The law of contract is a crucial component of business law in Ghana. The legal system has laws that govern how contracts are formed, executed, and enforced. A good understanding of the law of contract is essential for both individuals and companies operating in Ghana. Christine Dowuona-Hammond has written an informative book on the subject, titled “The Law of Contract in Ghana.” In this article, we will take a closer look at this book and explore the essential concepts of the law of contract in Ghana.

Overview of the Book

“The Law of Contract in Ghana” is an extensive guidebook written by Christine Dowuona-Hammond, a legal practitioner with over 30 years of experience in commercial law. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the law of contract in Ghana, discussing the essential elements of a contract, how contracts are formed, and the various types of contracts. The author also provides practical guidelines on how to draft, execute, and enforce contracts in Ghana.

Key Concepts in the Law of Contract in Ghana

The law of contract in Ghana is based on common law principles, and it governs the legal relationships that arise when two or more parties make an agreement. The following are some of the key concepts that every individual or company operating in Ghana should be aware of:

1. Offer and Acceptance

For a contract to be legally binding, an offer must be made and accepted. An offer is a proposal made by one party to another, while acceptance is the manifestation of agreement to the terms of the offer. According to the law of contract in Ghana, the acceptance must be unconditional and communicated to the offeror.

2. Consideration

Consideration refers to something of value that is exchanged between the parties to a contract. In Ghana, consideration is necessary for a contract to be enforceable. This means that both parties must receive a benefit from the contract.

3. Capacity

The law of contract in Ghana presumes that parties to a contract have the legal capacity to enter into the agreement. This means that they must be of legal age, mentally sound, and not under duress or coercion.

4. Legality

A contract in Ghana must be for a legal purpose. Any contract that is illegal or against public policy is unenforceable.

5. Breach of Contract

When a party fails to perform their obligations under a contract, it is considered a breach of contract. This may lead to legal action, including an award of damages or specific performance.


In conclusion, the law of contract in Ghana is a complex area of law that requires a good understanding to operate successfully in Ghana. “The Law of Contract in Ghana” by Christine Dowuona-Hammond is an essential guidebook for anyone who wants to learn about the legal principles governing contractual agreements in Ghana. With her extensive knowledge and experience in commercial law, Dowuona-Hammond provides valuable insights into the legal requirements for creating, executing, and enforcing contracts in Ghana. By familiarizing yourself with the law of contract in Ghana, you can protect yourself and your business from costly legal disputes.