Team Agreements Agile

As businesses continue to adopt agile methodologies, team agreements are becoming more and more important. These agreements establish a set of rules and expectations for how a team will work together and collaborate. In this article, we`ll explore the concept of team agreements in agile development and how they can benefit your team.

The Basics of Team Agreements

Agile development relies heavily on teamwork and collaboration. To ensure everyone is on the same page, a team agreement is created. Team agreements are a set of guidelines that outline how team members will work together, communicate, and collaborate. These agreements should be created at the beginning of a project or team formation.

A good team agreement should include the following:

1. Communication Plan: Establishing how team members should communicate with each other can help to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications. We recommend having regular check-ins, using a messaging app, or utilizing a task management tool like Asana.

2. Definition of Done: This is a list that outlines the criteria that must be met before a task or project is considered complete. This list should be detailed and include all necessary steps and deliverables.

3. Meeting Schedule: A set schedule for regular team meetings is essential for keeping everyone on track and ensuring progress is being made. We suggest scheduling a daily stand-up meeting, a bi-weekly retrospective, and a weekly sprint planning meeting.

4. Code Review Process: Establishing a code review process can help ensure the code maintains high quality, and everyone is following best practices. The process should include who is responsible for reviewing the code, when it will be reviewed, and how feedback will be provided.

5. Conflict Resolution Plan: Conflicts are bound to occur when working with a team. Establishing a plan for how conflicts will be resolved can help to ensure they are addressed quickly and effectively.

The Benefits of Team Agreements

Having a well-defined team agreement can provide many benefits, including:

1. Clear Expectations: Everyone on the team will know what is expected of them and what is expected of the team as a whole.

2. Increased Collaboration: Working with a set of guidelines can help team members work together more effectively and efficiently.

3. Improved Productivity: Knowing what needs to be done and having a plan in place can help team members stay on track and meet deadlines.

4. Better Quality Work: By establishing a code review process, the team can ensure the code is of high quality and meets best practices.

5. Reduced Conflicts: Having a conflict resolution plan in place can help resolve conflicts quickly and effectively before they escalate.


In summary, team agreements are an essential part of agile development. They provide a set of guidelines for team members to follow, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. A well-defined team agreement can improve collaboration, productivity, and quality of work while reducing conflicts. So, take the time to create a team agreement for your next agile project, and watch how it benefits your team!