Voidable Agreement Marathi Meaning

Voidable Agreement Marathi Meaning: All You Need to Know

A voidable agreement is a contract that can be legally cancelled or invalidated by one of the parties involved. In Marathi, it is known as रद्द करण्यायोग्य संधी (radda karanyayogya sandhi). This type of contract is different from a void agreement, which is an agreement that is not enforceable from the beginning, and therefore cannot be cancelled or invalidated.

Voidable agreements occur for a variety of reasons, including fraud, misrepresentation, coercion, undue influence, or mistake. When one party has been induced to enter into a contract by the other party`s improper behavior, the affected party may have the right to have the contract cancelled or invalidated.

In Marathi, the term “voidable” is commonly translated as रद्द करण्यायोग्य (radda karanyayogya), where “radda” means “cancel” or “annul,” and “karanyayogya” means “able to be done.” Therefore, a voidable agreement in Marathi could be translated as रद्द करण्यायोग्य संधी (radda karanyayogya sandhi).

In order to exercise their right to cancel or invalidate a voidable agreement, the affected party must act promptly, as there are time limits that apply. The party must also show that they did not have adequate knowledge or information about the contract at the time of entering into it, or that they were misled in some way.

In Marathi, the term “agreement” is संधी (sandhi). It refers to a mutual understanding between two or more parties that binds them to a particular course of action. An agreement can be in writing, oral, or implied by conduct.

In conclusion, a voidable agreement in Marathi is रद्द करण्यायोग्य संधी (radda karanyayogya sandhi). It is a contract that can be cancelled or invalidated by one of the parties involved due to improper behavior by the other party. If you believe you have entered into a voidable agreement, it is important to seek legal advice and act promptly to protect your rights.